Anne of Green Gables By L. M. Montgomery |
Next in line of the Collection of Christmas Stories I am still reading, (and probably won’t finish until Christmas time again) I found Anne of Green Gables by L. M. Montgomery and I gotta say this was THE PICK UP of the pace after the combo breaker of Christmas with Grandma Elsie.
Because I loved this book from beginning to end, and for me it is the example of a perfect book, I enjoyed everything, the style, the vocabulary, the plot, the characters, everything!
So after I am done with the collection of Christmas stories, I will be picking up the other books of the Anne (with an E) saga, because I just found out that this is the first out of four books, written by L. M. Montgomery narrating Anne’s life. And since I enjoyed and loved this one so much I don’t wanna miss the others.
But what did I learn from reading Anne of Green Gables?
Well, I learn that life is a great journey and that we cannot put a pause on it, so we really should make our best to enjoy every stage or phase that we are supposed to go thru in life according to our age, because time doesn’t stop for us, it always keep going, so the best we can do is take it by the hand and let us guide us thru life, accepting all the eras and changes that we are meant to experience.
Because Anne of Green Gables tells the story of Anne (with an E) an 11 years old orphan that is adopted by accident by a brother and a sister who actually wanted a boy. But due to Anne (with an E) wittiness they decide to keep her.
Hence, the book tells the next 5 years of Anne’s life and narrates her transition from childhood to teenager, in a very majestic way, here I take the cap off before L. M. Montgomery, because the way she put that growth and transition into words was really impressive, as you read the book you can notice how Anne vocabulary changes and matures and you can actually feel that the little girl you started reading about in the beginning of the book is growing and maturing.
So it made me look back and reflect a lot about my life and my growth too, so it made realize that I am already 31, and that life and time passes so fast that if we don’t take some time to grasp the situation and acknowledge the long journey we have gone thru, we might just get caught up in the fast paced life we are living nowadays and never realize it.
Therefore, since I loved Anne of Green Gables so much and it made laugh until I cried, think about my life, and then made me actually cry of feelings, I totally recommend this book to everyone, so you can get it by getting the Christmas Collection I’m reading or just download this book (for free too Public Domain Rocks) here on iBooks.
Twitter: @SirHelderAmos @WeeklyTarot
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