At the Back of the North Wind by George MacDonald |
Next on the big Compilation of Christmas Stories I found ‘At the Back of the North Wind’ by George Macdonald, and that made me happy because I actually had this book on my To-Read list, so it felt like killing two birds with one stone.
I have read George before, I read The Princess and Goblin and the Light Princess, and I loved both stories, because of the way he mixed his occultism and esoteric knowledge and transform it into children stories, so every time I come across with one of his books, I get pretty eager to read them.
And so was the case with this one, At The Back of the North Wind, was such a lovely read, although in my opinion the narration style was a little different from the the two previous books I have read of him, but in a good sense, it was a little bit more complex, I found myself re reading a few paragraphs over and over to be able to understand better what was happening on the story, specially in the first two chapters, but then I got the hold of it, and the reading was more smooth and pleasant.
Other than that, I’ve got nothing to bad to say about it, the language was easy, the story lovely, and messages and lessons clear and strong! Which leads me to the question:
But what did I learn from reading At The Back of the North Wind?
Well, I think that the main lesson on this books is that spirituality can come to us in any form, that it’s different from person to person and that it makes unique or different from others.
Because this book tells the story of Little Diamond, a rather poor kid son of a coach man, and the adventures he has with the North Wind, which is the spirit (if we can call it like that) that control the wind that comes from the north.
Hence in the story North Wind come visit Little Diamond in her many different forms during the night and would take him with her as a companion to do her duties, which sometimes are good and some other bad, but both needed for her to teach Little Diamond great lessons about life and spirituality in general.
And these lessons impact Little Diamond’s perspective of life and his way of acting, hence his spirituality makes him different from everyone else, but moreover it made him special, and I think that’s the objective of spirituality: to make us better and to make us unique.
So this book has great lessons on it, and I gotta say that George did it again because, in my opinion, At The Back of The North Wind is a book about Astral Projecting, so he managed to take again his knowledge of occultism and esoteric and enhance it and transform it into this beautiful book, that stole some tears from me at the very end.
(Which is unusual from me, I think the last time I cried with a book was with Little Women)
Anyhow, I think this is a must read for people who is developing their spirituality because of the way it is subtle portrayed during the whole story, (you would have to over think a little bit tho to fully comprehend it tho) so if you’d like to read it, you can get this book for free on iTunes by clicking here.
Twitter: @SirHelderAmos @WeeklyTarot
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