What I learned from reading The Turn of the Screw by Henry James

The Turn of the Screw by Henry James

The turn of the screw is a paranormal novel written by Henry James, and despite the fact that I found it a little bit boring to read, because I didn’t like the narration style, it touches a very interesting subject about the paranormal and the craziness. 

Speculating about the title, I think it comes from the saying of “having a screw loose” which refers to being crazy, so in a way I felt that this novel is about being crazy and reassuring the craziness. Since the screw refers to being crazy, and turning the screw is like adjusting it into the mind, who knows? it is really hard to explain, because the way this novel was written was too brilliant and putting into words the concept is really giving me headache, because it’s one of this books that one understand but that cannot explain. 

So in a way, I learned from this novel that we all assume that our perception is the same that everyone else have, which is totally incorrect, since we all are different so we all have different perceptions so one should never assume one is always correct. Because in the book the main Character saw some apparitions than despite only she was able to see, she assumed the kids she was in charge with could see them too, and it’s about this that the book is about, how she misunderstood all the situation with these ghosts she was seeing around the house. 

Nevertheless, Henry James, never confirmed in the book if the apparitions she saw were real ghosts or just tricks that her eyes / mind played on her, so the reader never really know, and this is what led me to overthink the title of the book, because if the apparitions were not real, and the main character was crazy, she just turned the screw she had loosen and plug all the craziness into her life. 

And I better stop writing because I feel like I can be like a dog chasing it’s tail trying to explain this book, and instead try to give it a read, as always you can find it for free on iBooks because it is a classic and it’s public domain. 

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